
We work to embed sustainability across our business and strive to continuously improve our impact on the environment and society.

Sustainability, to us, means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It means leaving the planet in as good or in a better state for our children than the state we found it in – ensuring a healthy world for generations to come.

As we transform into a pure-play regulated utility company, we also transition to our next interim ESG target period. A new set of targets has been developed that aim to guide our ESG efforts to 2030, focused on continued improvement to priority items.

Photo collage of renewable resources and nature

2019-2023 ESG Performance

Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives reflect our deep commitment to sustainability, community well-being, and responsible business practices. From 2019 to 2023, we set ambitious targets across key focus areas and have made significant progress toward these goals.


Target of 75% renewable generation
91% Complete

Reduce GHG emissions by one million metric tons from 2017 levels
Target met

Add 2,000 MW of renewables between 2019 and 2023
Target met


Exceed 30% women in leadership roles
Target met

Achieve top-quartile customer service
90% complete

Achieve top-quartile employee engagement
91% complete


Embedding Sustainability into our compensation model
Target met

Build a robust compliance framework
97% complete

Publish a TCFD aligned disclosure
Target met

Sustainability Report

We work to embed sustainability across our business.

View our full list of ESG reports and related documents.

How We Create Value


We build for the future.
We ensure ongoing access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy and water services for all.


We act for our environment.
We take tangible action to reduce the environmental impacts of our daily operations and the delivery of our services.


Inspire our communities.
We work in the best interests of our communities – our customers, our people and our shareholders – to help them grow and prosper in a sustainable and responsible way.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recognized in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index – 2020, 2021, 2022

  • Inclusion in S&P TSX Composite ESG Index

  • Carbon Disclosure Project Legacy Responder

  • MSCI Rating increased to AA in 2019

  • AWEA 2020 Safety and Health Recognition Award – 2020